Great Design for All
3CDC & Model Group, Willkommen
To Project Types
Cincinnati, OH | 72,690 SF
Bringing much needed affordable housing to Cincinnati’s urban core, Willkommen will help sustain the diversity that animates Over-the-Rhine. At the same time, it delivers design equity to a lower and mixed-income population that is often excluded from the dignity, functionality, and delight that good design promises.

Occupying previously empty lots, the new construction slips into the holes of the neighborhood’s historic fabric that were created by years of demolition and economic disinvestment. While bolstering the population of the neighborhood and reinforcing the engaging pedestrian experience of its streets, the buildings introduce contemporary design that enables its inhabitants to appreciate the ongoing, dynamic history of Over-the-Rhine. delivers design equity to a lower and mixed-income population that is often excluded from the dignity, functionality, and delight that good design promises.

The shared design concept for these buildings is simple yet thoughtful. It begins with a basic cubic envelope (defined by zoning, historic guidelines, and the residential and commercial space requirements) and then gently folds that envelope out or in, up or down, shifting surfaces from opaque to transparent, in response to the demands of the program and context.

This approach to the historic fabric of the neighborhood results in a distinctly contemporary architectural response that enhances the historic character of the streetscape.

Congress for the New Urbanism, Merit Award Winner

AIA Ohio, Merit Award, Newly Completed Buildings

AIA Pittsburgh, Medium, Honor Award