Sean Cottengim
Eternally curious and committed to good design, Sean revels in making connections between seemingly disparate things. Whether he’s working on healthcare spaces, arts and culture projects, or community libraries, Sean enriches each project with unexpected insights from other markets. His expansive sense of what’s possible also shapes his work on GBBN’s Design Issues Series and his design research while fostering the ambition of project teams. Some of Sean’s recent projects include UC Health Medical Center’s Main Entrance, Cincinnati Art Museum’s Ancient Middle East Gallery, and the Deer Park branch of the Cincinnati & Hamilton County Public Library.
Professional Highlights
Honorable Mention, “TOLL,” Blankspace Fairy Tales Competition
Finalist with Jay Studer, “Villa Proiectura,” Last House on Mulholland Competition, Arch Out Loud
Committee Member, Design Issues Series (DIS)
Author, “Thinking Beyond the Clinic: COVID, Telehealth, and the Future Shape of Healthcare Spaces,” Academy of Architecture for Health Journal
Presenter, “Sustainable Health Is Community Health: Technology Provides an Equitable Path Forward,” Healthcare Design Expo + Conference
News & Insights
Oct 18, 2023
Sean Cottengim Shows Leadership in Kentucky
Oct 20, 2023
Two Designers Walk into A Library…