Nov 14, 2019 _ news
In the News: St. Vincent de Paul Outreach Center opens in Cincinnati
St. Vincent de Paul’s (SVDP) Don and Phyllis Neyer Outreach Center officially opened its doors to its neighbors with a ribbon cutting ceremony and community open house on November 9th. The new center expands the incredible work of SVDP Cincinnati. Located across the street from their facility in Cincinnati’s West End neighborhood, the new center gives SVDP Cincinnati the ability to serve more neighbors with dignity, lifting families from poverty to their potential. Many of their key services —like a food pantry and training kitchen, pharmacy, and eye clinic— are now open simultaneously instead of on alternating days.
SVDP’s food bank opened the day before, on November 8th, and served 150 people that day—as many as they typically served in a week prior to their expansion project. New light-filled counseling and intake service spaces mean staff and clients can work together in a welcoming environment.
“Our goals are to provide the most dignified experience possible for families and provide better access to our emergency services,” says Bart Kohler, SVDP volunteer and co-chair of their Upward Spiral Comprehensive Campaign. “The new Don and Phyllis Neyer Outreach Center allows us to meet those goals.”
Read more about our work with St. Vincent de Paul Cincinnati.
Read’s story here.