Mar 8, 2023 _ news
GBBN’s Health Equity Symposium Focuses on Building Better Health for All
GBBN recently hosted a virtual symposium about the role healthcare organizations can play in improving health equity in our communities.
Convening two multi-disciplinary panels of academic researchers, industry disruptors, administrators, clinicians, and designers, the event focused conversation around the issues they face as they address health inequity.
The panels featured wide-ranging conversations, touching on advocacy, governance, partnerships, and how facility design can leverage resources within and outside of the industry to advance conversations around health.
“Access to medical treatment is just one of many factors—including education, employment opportunities, training, digital literacy, environmental factors, and others—that help build health equity in our communities,” says GBBN Principal and Medical Planner Angela Mazzi, who moderated the first panel, How Can a Health System be a Health Equity Anchor. “Our panelists demonstrated that keys to improving health equity are commitment and investment and these efforts pay dividends in helping communities flourish.”
GBBN Associate and Director of Research, Shan Jiang, moderated our second panel, Working Towards Health Equity. “The panelists emphasized how elements like age, geographic location, and trust play a significant role in people’s health,” says Shan. “Their organizations are using data, research, and community engagement to advocate for the populations they serve,” says Shan.
For GBBN Principal and Director of Healthcare, Michael Lied, bringing different healthcare leaders into the conversation is invaluable. “We are fortunate to host multi-disciplinary experts from across the industry. By connecting designers with healthcare professionals, we can better understand barriers to health equity and address them in ways that positively impact the health of people in our communities.”
Did you miss the conversation? You can view a video of each panel discussion here:
How Can a Health System be a Health Equity Anchor and Working Towards Health Equity
Interested in more on healthcare? You can access information about and video recordings of our 2022 Oncology Symposium here.