Aug 1, 2022 _ news
GBBN Featured in The Alliance Review
GBBN’s work on the historic Cincinnati Union Terminal is featured in the latest issue of The Alliance Review, the quarterly journal of the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions (NAPC). To celebrate their FORUM 2022 conference that took place in Cincinnati in July, the NAPC asked us to take them behind the scenes and into the walls of this iconic landmark. GBBN Associate Nicholas Cates was joined by Steve Kenat to delve into the details of rehabilitating and re-imagining Cincinnati Union Terminal.
“The building is a symbol of Cincinnati and an icon of our community,” explains Nick. “For this project we weren’t just preserving a cultural artifact by freezing it in time, but ensuring the building is something that continues to be relevant for future generations.”
From small details like hat racks beneath the seats in the Newsreel Theater to appreciating the scale and history of Union Terminal, the piece is full of fun, insightful information from two experts who know this building well. Read the full Q+A here.
GBBN’s Chad Burke also participated in FORUM 2022 as part of the panel discussion, “Finding Compatibility: Fitting New Architecture into the Historic Context of Our Urban Main Street.” This discussion focused on recently approved projects that find compatibility and invention within a historic style without replicating that style.
Thank you NAPC for the opportunity to share our expertise with Alliance readers and FORUM 2022 attendees!