Phil Babinec
Meticulous and patient, for over three decades Phil has touched nearly every project designed by GBBN as a project specifier. When not writing specifications, he provides coaching and quality control for those who are. Phil enables design teams to better develop and craft their specifications within the design process itself. Doing so, Phil not only helps teams enhance the constructability and material selection of the design, but he empowers a younger generation of designers to take ownership of the details that bring their designs to life.
The grandfather of a child who spent a lot of time at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC), Phil is especially proud to have completed all the specifications for Cincinnati Children’s 745,000 SF Critical Care Building.
Professional Highlights
Presenter, Strategic Planning, Construction Specifications Institute, Great Lakes Regional Conference
Presenter, Multiple Presentations, Cincinnati AIA, The Academy
- Preparing Effective Construction Documents
- The Architect’s Guide to Creating Effective Front End Documents
- Construction Document Technologist (CDT) Preparatory Course
- Specifications on Drawings – How to Draw Specifications
- Preparing Effective CD’s for Prefabricated Construction
Great Lakes Regional President, Construction Specifications Institute
Cincinnati Chapter President, Construction Specifications Institute
Assistant Wrestling Coach, St. Xavier High School