Aug 5, 2024 _ news
Angela Mazzi Brings Home the Gold
Join us in celebrating GBBN Principal and AIA Cincinnati member Angela Mazzi, FAIA, FACHA, EDAC, on receiving the 2024 AIA Ohio Gold Medal Award!
The AIA Ohio Gold Medal is the highest honor that AIA Ohio can bestow on an individual architect. This award recognizes the exemplary contributions and significant accomplishments in design, leadership, and service to the profession. This award may be granted annually to one individual that has demonstrated their accomplishments in one or more of these criteria.
“The AIA Ohio Board of Directors was impressed with the high quality of Angela’s overall body of work,” said AIA Ohio President, John Meegan, AIA. “She has distinguished herself as a subject matter expert in several healthcare service lines including oncology, behavioral health, and staff environments. She has not only integrated this work into her own projects, but spoken and published articles to advance the delivery of care industry-wide.”
Angela is an active member at the local, state, and national level of the AIA and is a recipient of AIA Ohio’s Charles J. Marr award for her exemplary commitment to the architecture profession. She was recognized by Healthcare Design Magazine as the Top Architect in 2022. She is a fellow and past president of the national organization, the American College of Healthcare Architects (ACHA) and has devoted countless hours to mentoring the next generation of healthcare architects and planners through workshops, leadership programs, and through her own career and lifestyle podcast, Architecting.
A medical planner known for her research on salutogenesis and how healthcare facilities can build well-being and community health, Angela is invited to share her insights at conferences around the world and to contribute to peer-reviewed journals such as HERD, the Health Environments Research & Design Journal, and is sought out for insight and commentary on healthcare trends by national publications including The New York Times. Her project work spans healthcare environments for both children and adults including numerous projects for Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, the nation’s top ranked pediatric health system. The most recent of these is the new William K. Schubert M.D. Mental Health Center. Her oncology expertise helped shape the award winning TriHealth’s Harold M. and Eugenia S. Comprehensive Care Center.
Angela received her award at the AIA Ohio Awards Celebration on September 16 as part of the AIA Ohio Conference: INTERSECT.
Congratulations Angela!
Read more about her here.
Learn more about Angela and her contributions to healthcare design by watching this short video.